About Greater Niles Senior Center
The Greater Niles Senior Center provides a broad range of services and programs for Seniors in the Niles area for ages 60+. Our mission is to offer a variety of activities to keep our Seniors engaged and active. Please join us Monday thru Friday 8:00 to 4:00 for everything from Zumba, lunch, line dancing, drumming, fit for life, tai chi, yoga, square dancing, bingo, chair exercise, to Potawatomi Zoo! We have something for everyone!
The services and activities of the Greater Niles Senior Center are made possible by the taxpayers of Berrien County through the Senior Center millage, Title III-B, Transportation, Older Americans Act, donations by public and private groups and individuals, fundraising activities, and many wonderful volunteers. We appreciate any and all donations received to keep our facilities running at their best.
The Center will close for weather emergencies if the Niles Community & Brandywine Public Schools are closed. Closing will be broadcasted on WNDU and WSBT television stations.
Calendar of Events: Febuary

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for donating services and gifts to our area seniors at the Annual Holiday Party!
The following local businesses helped make the 2024 Christmas Holiday magical at the Greater Niles Senior Center:
Bertrand Auto
Cottage Inn Pizza
Drive and Shine
Auto Zone
Niles Apple Festival
Wonderland Theatre
Leader Publications
Firehouse Subs
Tan's Down Under
Air LUX Heating and Cooling
Dave's Garage
Your generosity put many smiles on the faces of our Seniors.